This section is for young people thinking about joining the Young Leaders scheme to work with a section in a group.
What is the Explorer Scout Young Leaders’ Scheme?
Explorer Scout Young Leaders volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Dray, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or
Scout Troop. Explorer Scout Young Leaders may also be young people who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or Kings’s Guide Award, volunteering as non-members of the Scouts for a set period of time. As an Explorer Scout Young Leaders, you will very much be part of the leadership team and should play an active part in the section. You will be given a printed copy, but you can find out more details about the Young Leaders’ in the Young Leader Logbook.
How do I take part in the Scheme?
Contact the the Young Leader team and they will get you registered as a Young Leader, if you are an Explorer Scout talk with your Unit Leader.
The Online Scout Manager Parent Portal shows progress through the Young Leader scheme, dates of Modules (Events) and allows personal and contact details to be updated. When a Young Leader joints the Young Leader Scheme, they will be emailed an invitation link register with the Online Scout Manager Parent Portal. If you do not receive a link or can’t find it, contract the Young Leader team and they will resend it.
How do I find a section to help with?
If you are already an Explorer Scout talk with your Explorer Scout leader, there may be opportunities in the Scout Group you are partnered with or if not contact the Young Leader team we can always find someone who wants your help.
How do I complete the Modules?
The modules are run through out the year by the Young Leader team at various Scouts Headquarters around the Horsham area. See Young Leader Modules for the dates and how to sign up for a session.
How do I get my Young Leader Award?
When complete Module A – Prepare for take-off you will be given a printed copy of the Young Leader Logbook, an Orange Card and presented with your Young Leader Award.
How do I complete the Missions?
Talk with the leaders of the section you are helping about the mission you would like to do next, and agree what you will do. Then when you have completed the mission ask them to update your Young Leader Record book and let the Young Leader team know they will arrange for a mission strip to be presented.
Remember when you have completed the entire Scheme (all training modules and missions) you will be awarded the Young Leader belt buckle.
Can I use the Young Leader Scheme towards my Duke of Edinburgh's Award?
Yes, Young people taking on their Duke of Edinburgh’s awards often use their volunteering through the Young Leader’s scheme for their Scouts top awards too. See here for some more details about Young Leaders and the DofE awards.
Do I wear uniform?
When you are helping with the section and you have an Explorer Scout Uniform, please wear it with either your unit scarf, the sections scarf, or both (tie one with a friendship knot).
When you attend one of the module sessions, no need to wear uniform, but you could wear your unit scarf, the group scarf, or both!
I am an Explorer Scout already, can I be a Young Leader as well?
Yes, Explorer Scouts can belong to multiple Explorer Scout Units, so don’t need to leave your unit to join the Young Leader ESU.
Can I carry on as a Young Leader when I am 18?
No – but you can become an adult leader, and you can wear a Explorer Scout Young Leader Service Award on your adult uniform.